
沖縄、福岡の IAC 留学アカデミーでは、専門の留学カウンセラーと直接お話ができますよ。また、イングリッシュカフェや交流会などこれから留学を考えてるいる人と帰国した人が気軽に集まれるそんな場所です。


ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム

こんにちは IAC留学アカデミーです。

オーストラリア ゴールドコーストにある、INFORUM EDUCATION AUSTRALIAのJUNさんが、定期的に送ってきて




What was your first impression of the school on your first day?

Aki: I was nervous when I arrived but everyone was so friendly that my nerves disappeared.

Takehiro: The staff and teachers were so nice, I made a lot of friends with other students very easily.

What was the most fun you had at Inforum.?

Aki: Activities like international food day, Inforum birthday, eating, BBQ, picnic and dancing.

Takehiro: Study, as in Japan I hated to study English and didn’t want to do it but at inforum the teachers make it fun so now I love doing it.

Do you think the teachers are good and you are learning enough?

Aki:The teachers are beautiful and fun they teach us important things and also Aussie slang, they also help us with any problems I have that has nothing to do with school.

Takehiro: They are great teachers ,they make learning fun ,and also taught me about Australian culture.

Would you, and why recommend this school to your friends?

Aki: Its fun and a great way to learn ,I also learnt Barista coffee making and I can get to practice my skill every day.
I have been in homestay for a long time and I love my host family they are so kind and lots of fun.

Takehiro: One reason I started at Inforum was that I new staff member could speak Japanese so I felt less nervous.

Do you think that we only teach here and nothing else for students?

Aki: No teachers and staff help us with any questions , problems and sometimes they make us food to try.

Takehiro: Simon and Jun are very close to the students and always talk to us.

What do you like:

Aki:I can buy chocolate at reception.

Takehiro:I can borrow a blanket if I am cold.

ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム

ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム

ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム ちょっといい話 Fromインフォーラム

■ 熱い思いを一緒に育てよう!

■ 短期留学・長期留学・正規留学・ホームステイ・ワーキングホリデー・海外ボランティア

■ IAC留学アカデミー
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【沖縄校】  豊見城市字豊見城566-8 ドミールとよみ 2F
【宮崎S】宮崎県宮崎市橘通西4-6-3  宮日カルチャーMRTミック教室
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【熊本S】熊本県上益城郡嘉島町大字上島2232 イオンモール熊本クレア2F
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■ 資料請求はコチラ info@iac-academy.com
■ 来店予約はコチラ

お帰りなさい!(2011-04-06 11:47)

海外からの手紙(2011-01-04 00:00)

ちょっといい話 vo6
ちょっといい話 vo6(2010-11-19 00:02)

海外からの手紙(2010-11-13 00:00)

ちょっといい話 vo5
ちょっといい話 vo5(2010-11-13 00:00)

海外からの手紙(2010-11-06 00:00)

Posted by 留学ならIAC留学アカデミー at 00:00 │オーストラリア